The Anointer Roller Temple Balm

The Anointer Roller Temple Balm

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Bless your temples with the power of ancient oils used for healing ailments & relieving suffering. This is a best selling WWW-Apothecary product for good reason. 

Peppermint, myrrh, frankincense & cedar carried in avocado & Primrose oil to create yourself a ceremony of healing. Set intentions for yourself while you gently and slowly massage the temple balm all over your forehead, behind the ears & wrists. We highly suggest you roll this behind your neck and down your shoulders to create a ‘surround sound’ of relief. 

As you repeat those intentions quietly in your mind or out loud to yourself, feel the chosen oils bringing not only relief to what ails you but an overall sense of peace & calm.

Associate using this roller as a bit of a safe haven for high stress moments, migraines that disrupt the day or night and for anything else you may need to feel your best 🌿